Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Mission!

I am on a mission! I have been on this mission, I suppose all my life, but now I advertise that mission, at least for the last 5 or so years I have. But recently, I have increased the advertisement. What is that mission, you are probably wondering by now...welp it is to cure a disease that we all suffer from. One that makes our days impossible, until we are given the cure.

So, my mission is to cure grumpiness! People ask me all the time what the deal is with my car. Is it a business car, I am asked. I always simply ask them. Welp did it make you smile. And they are like, yes it did. And I say, welp that is the deal. I be on a mission to cure grumpiness, to spread a smile to others. I recently added the yellow paint to the wheels and the smileys there. And I also repainted the magnetic smileys from just yellow to more standout colors. Hickchic thinks...we have a choice to be happy or grumpy (yes, we still have a choice in this matter), so why not be happy!


  1. Down with Grumpiness! What a wonderful cause, I'm in!
    Good to have you back. Be sure to check your comments in the older posts!


  2. CURE GRUMPINESS!! What a simple and profound idea. I love your car too!!

  3. Thx SQ and TC...and if you would like a cure grumpiness mag for your car...i ordered mine from:
    just thought I would pass that on, I could so go wild buying stuff from there. I collect smiley items...I have quite a collection.

  4. hickchic,
    In answer to your question about comments, I do a little of both. I try to answer all comments directly on my blog. If it is someone new I go to their blog and thank them by commenting on their blog. I try to visit my followers blog's as often as I can and leave a comment.
    Some of my followers saw a comment I made on someone elses blog and I have seen a comment elsewhere that caught my attention and I started following.
    I think I just confused myself!
    Basically comment anytime, anywhere and as often as you can. And have fun, most of all have fun.

  5. I love the car and your cause! Sassy
