Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Your blog deserves to be shot!"

This award is from TC/Animals That Give Pause. Thank you TC much appreciated! I told TC I had no idea how to post this and I don't even know 12 bloggers at this point. But then while sleeping last night, the answer came to me on how to do this. I know sounds weird but I've always done this, when I had a even in algebra that I couldn't solve awake, I would figure it out in my sleep, dream the solution. So last night I woke up at one goin...oh I know...copy and paste. So see an old dog can learn new tricks. Although I'm not quite a senior yet, I be close enough to smell the Bengay! Anywho, I be getting side tracked, so on with the award....And sorry to say, that after many attempts, I did not figure out how to add a link to TC's blog by clickin on the pic, but hey maybe I'll dream it tonite...

And the rules are:

1.Post the award and link it to the person (or canine) that gave it to you.

2. Choose 5 life situations that could be repeated in slow motion and explain why.

3. List up to 12 blogs and pass the love to them.

Lets see did number one rule above, now for the 5 life situations that could be repeated in slow motion and why:

1. That moment on Fridays when I go to pick my girls up at college (they are in upward bound, a summer college program for high school students) and I stand waiting for them, and they see me, and come running across campus hollerin mommy and then greet me with a big hug and I missed you...and the bonus, they don't have a laundry basket full of dirty cloths. For their age, 17 that is, and to not care what their peers might think of them, tells me just how close we are and how much we love each other.

2. Those moments when we find out just how we have touched someone elses life, for instance read Rae's blog title My lifes journey:

3. Kids say the silliest things! For example, I recall a particular moment when I told one of my twin daughters to bath the dog, but we didn't have doggy shampoo so I told her to just use one of ours. She was old enough to read, and in a few moments replied, "No mommy, I can't use this shampoo. It says right on the bottle not tested on animals!" Needless to say the dog didn't get bathed until we had dog shampoo. Then there was that time that we were driving in the car and I don't even remember as to why I had said it, but told the girls, "When there's a will, there's a way...and they replied....and we got four wheels, so we can do it! Gotta love those concrete thinkers, age of development time periods!

4. When you have been craving something or try something new that tantalizes the taste buds, and you are like OMG this is better than sex. Hickchic likes food!

5. All the happy moments in our lives that we replay, rewind, recall, that have brought us joy and that we bloggers tend to blog about that then bring others a smile or laugh!

In the case of this award I would like to nominate: who's blogs always bring me a smile or laugh! who's inspirational words and pics inspire me!


  1. Congrats. You are so deserving of this. I imagine you would be a delight to be around in person. I love your flair for life. And thank you for the award.

  2. Rae, you are very much welcome. And as far as me being a delight to be around, I really can't say but people do tend to shake their heads around me a lot and I am told that I am special! I always see both as a compliment!

  3. See I told you you could do it and you did great BTW!! I don't have links to photos in the posts either but when/if you put it to the side of the blog it gives you an option for a url. Took me a bit to figure out too and I've been on ebay and working on web stuff for YEARS and years.
    And about the followers? Post some stuff that's like current events that interests you, put a photo on that people might search for and link to where it came from. I almost gave up blogging and had some eensy weensy bit of views, I looked after like a month or so and I had 9000 and figured I'd better keep this up! I still don't have that many followers but I use the excuse of a full time job and LOTS to do @ home.LOL

  4. Congratulations on your award, it is very well deserved. Your blog is great, I love your stories. On your list number 3, the comments from your daughters are priceless.

    Another way to get followers is to visit other blogs and leave comments, most bloggers will return the visit.

    The little weekly memes like Today's Flowers, Skywatch are good too. You post and link to the main page. Leave comments and folks will visit you.
    Thank you for the award.

  5. A big thx to SquirrelQueen,TC, and Rae for all your comments and encouraging words...they be much appreciated by the hickchic...and hickchic thinks...she be very lucky to call ya'll friends!
